Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The article and off to the big island

The other day I got a great e-mail.  Somehow Don Norcross, a local San Diego writer, had heard about my crash and my plan to still race Ironman. Best of all he wanted to do a story for ironman.com about me.  Seeing as I have only been interviewed a couple times in my life and love to talk, I said heck yeah.  After a couple long conversations with Don, I think I pretty much had told my entire life’s story, he had everything he needed for the piece.  More amazingly, he somehow managed to sift through all the information I have given him and wrote a great story.  The link is here

On Wed, I take off to Kona.  I can’t wait.  Several of my friends and training partners are already there.  I don’t have a lot of vacation time so I prefer to show up late and enjoy myself after the race.  Also, as much as I enjoy the Ironman, sometimes Ironman can get a bit much.  I find that if I show up at the last minute I don’t have enough time for it to get under my skin before the race.  Now, hopefully my taper will be right on and I will have the best race I can.  The one thing I hate about big tapers is you always feel bad until a couple hours into the race.  Now I just have to trust I did my best to prepare and then go out have a great day and lots of fun.  Wish me luck because I will need it.

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